Thursday, October 15, 2009

Taylor Swift Will Get Last Laugh as SNL Host

Taylor Swift is calling the chance to host "Saturday Night Live" on Nov. 7 "mind-blowing" and I'm sure her millions of fans can't wait for her to get some comical revenge on Kanye West.

I think we're all looking forward to seeing Swift spoof the scene at the MTV Video Music Awards where West interrupted her acceptance speech. While it was completely rude of West to interrupt Swift when she became the first country singer to win best female video, I'm sure the hilarious SNL skit will make for great TV. (And what better way to show that even 13 years his junior, Swift is the bigger person and is getting the last laugh, literally.)

"I've been thinking about skit ideas for a long time," Swift said. "There are definitely some hilarious things that have happened to me over the past couple of months that I think will be pretty substantial skits."

Swift was asked by NBC producers in the summer to host the show and she says it's been difficult to keep it a secret for so long. Swift said she loved her SNL experience when she performed as a musical guest in January, and will again perform when she hosts in November.

Swift hopes to collaborate with SNL cast member Andy Samberg on a digital short music video like the popular and hilarious song "Motherlover" with Justin Timberlake.

"Of course I've been such a fan for a long time, but I've gone back and re-watched everything over the past couple of months and digital shorts would be so much fun to do, because they've been done so well. Andy Samberg is hilarious," Swift said.

I hope Swift and Samberg make a digital short too since I can only imagine how great her voice and his histerical lyrics will make a country music video. Regardless, I'm looking forward to seeing Taylor Swift host and perform on "Saturday Night Live" in what's sure to be an entertaining episode.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited for Taylor Swift to host SNL, but I don't know if I want her spoofing Kanye. I feel like it would be a classier move to just let the whole "Imma let you finish" situation die down.
